Dear Applicant

Thank you for your interest in our company, and thank you for trusting us with your personal data. Please read this document carefully in order to ensure that your personal data is managed confidentially and in accordance with Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and Disclosure of Data of Public Interest (“Data Protection Act”).

  1. Protection of personal data

    Any data or information shall be regarded as “personal” if it is sufficient to identify you (e.g. your name and email address). The data manager is Vodafone Hungary Ltd. (registered seat: 1112 Budapest, Boldizsár utca 2.) The purpose of managing your personal data is to ensure that (i) once we have an opening, we can notify you and enter you in the selection process, and (ii) your data remains stored in our system for two years after your last login. You may give us your personal data either in the default format or attached in a separate document (resume, profile) which will be stored in the career database of Vodafone Hungary Ltd.

    You need to know that:

    • pursuant to Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and Disclosure of Data of Public Interest (“Data Protection Act”), the disclosed personal data shall not contain any so-called “special information” (e.g. information on race, nationality, political stance, religion, health problems, addictions…etc.)
    • You shall be entitled to register only your own personal data
    • You shall be liable for ensuring that the password you receive during the registration process is not disclosed to third parties. Vodafone shall not be held liable for any costs or damages arising out of or in connection with any unauthorized access due to lost or stolen passwords.
    • You may change your password at any time
    • We shall make every endeavour to ensure that your personal data is managed confidentially and in a secure manner. Access to such data shall be strictly limited in order to prevent any unauthorized access, change or use of personal data.

  2. Changing and deleting your personal profile

    As a registered user you shall have the right to access, change or delete your personal profile stored in the system, at any time. If you do not log in for two years, your personal profile shall be automatically deleted. If your profile is deleted, you may, of course, register again and upload your personal profile.

  3. Data management

    This Data Protection Policy, duly signed by the registered applicant on the last page of the document, shall mean that the applicant has consented to Vodafone managing his/her personal data. By signing this Data Protection Policy the applicant explicitly consents to the secure and confidential transfer of any of his/her personal data to Vodafone Group functions and/or Vodafone Group companies during the selection process. The applicant’s Personal data shall be accessed only by authorized Vodafone recruitment professionals, bound by strict confidentiality agreements.

  4. Technical and physical safety of personal data

    Vodafone shall take all technical and organizational measures and comply with all such procedural requirements that are prescribed by the Data Protection Act. You should be aware that Vodafone shall not be held liable for any costs or damages arising out of any malfunction or disruption in the (Internet) connection during the data transfer, if caused by force majeure. Files attached to your application shall be scanned for viruses and go through other security screening processes.

    Vodafone reserves the right to modify the Data Protection Policy at any time. Therefore we encourage you to read the Policy from time to time, especially before providing us with any kind of personal data.

    I have read and understood the Data Protection Policy of Vodafone, and, based on the detailed and unambiguous information contained therein, I hereby explicitly consent to Vodafone Hungary Ltd. processing and retaining my personal data, which I disclosed voluntarily, in a secure and confidential manner, and for the purposes set out in the Data Protection Policy.